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.There has been call to restructure the country by individuals as well as groups. This word means different things to different people.The word " Restructure " simply put means to change the way something is been done,such as in government,business or system.In the present system or government (nigeria) ,there has been clamour for more devolution of power to the other tiers of government (states and local government and allocation of more resource to it (true federalism, or ... resource control ) as opposed to the military centralization of government apparatus.The constitution has defined insuficiently what role each tier should play which some argue require adjustment or review,(ie looking inwardly to review how the system works. Is the system static or dynamic? If static, meaning it impeds growth. In restructuring,we study to see if the federal system has or is holding onto power it has not been able to execise or discharge efficiently overtime? Areas such as education, healthcare, agriculture etc isn't the responsibilities of the federal government to implement but whose role is more of creating standardization in terms of policy formulation and guardlines of operation. Some sections speak of marginalization because they don't feel the effect of governance or have representation in it .if successive governments had delivered on their promises of abundant life and justice for it's people,the agitation for secession would not have been taken seriously .High Unemployment ,herdsmen /farmers, food security ,declinin' education cannot be conciled but confronted headon. Important political and economic issues affecting the nigerian people (such as, resource allocation) is worthwhile a discuss in a democracy . Or is the freedom of expression still ambiant ? , May God help us! .. mother of the brides or groom wears suitable for fall

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